Online Classes
I have 3 online classes for enamelists designed to help you expand your color palette, utilize more graphic techniques and explore more application processes. These classes are designed for enamelists with some experience, and even seasoned practitioners can expand their visual vocabulary and enamel tool boxes with these lessons. The classes are sequential, building information and should be taken in order.
The Perfect Surface
This course in creating the perfect surface might well be the answer to the difficulties and enamel mysteries you are experiencing. The basecoat on your metal is the key to your success and is now offered for free. A half a century of enamel experience is condensed to a few short lessons so that you can get to the fun part of enameling without decades of trial and error.
The Coat: Demystifying Mason Stains
This second class in this series will introduce students to Mason Stains, dry pigments that are non-vitreous or without glass. Because they are dry, they can be mixed with either water or oil media and applied in a wide variety of ways. Before firing into ‘The Perfect Surface’, Mason Stains can be made into ink used for pen & ink work, painted, stenciled, sponged and sgrafittoed. Learn about this amazing range of color and learn what they can do!
The Mask: Demystifying Underglazes
There are so many amazing materials that can be used in conjunction with enamels to create imagery. This third, advanced class will explore underglazes in more depth. Underglazes, simply, are pigments without glass/enamel. They will fire into your basecoat, but must be encapsulated, in the end, with enamel. This class will explore softer and more subtle color possibilities while working with pigment pencils, oxides and mason stains to draw, stencil and shade.
Explorations in Blackboard!
October 20—24, 2022. Silvera Jewelry School.
An intensive, in-depth exploration of pre-enameled steel blackboard, this 5-day class will teach you a variety of ways you can make marks, create color and pattern on a black background using pure pigments instead of vitreous enamel. Using just black and white, the class starts off with classic drawing, shading, texturing, and pen & ink techniques. From there, we will move into color and further application techniques. A jam-packed workshop, students will make two or more samples per day with a myriad of materials, plus make some jewelry. A truly exciting and innovative workshop with an amazing material barely explored by enamelists!